Form Ideas:
8. Choose from the list of elements in the popup window, and drag and drop the elements you need within the DRAG AN ELEMENT HERE section.
Note: Refer to the Form Elements Breakdown section for an explanation of each form element.
9. Use the panel in the third column to modify each selected element.
10. Click the red X to collapse the elements window.
11. Click PUBLISH in the top-right corner of the page to make the form live within the app. Note: Click SAVE AS DRAFT to save your changes and work on your form another time.
12. Click PUBLISH in the popup window to confirm your selection.
And you’re done! Your new form has been published and is accessible by app users. It will instantly appear in the FORMS & REPORTING module of your app like so:
In the main Forms & Reporting menu, select the form category you want to edit/delete and click the THREE DOTS on the far right of that row.
Tip: Use the SEARCH box at the top of page to look for specific form categories by name.
2. Check the box next to the form and select the THREE DOTS on the far right of the row.
3. Select the action you want to perform from the drop-down list: COPY TO, MOVE TO or DELETE.
Select the preexisting category into which you want the form to be copied or moved from the drop-down list. Then, press COPY (or MOVE TO) to confirm your selection.
Note: If you COPY a form, a second version of the form will be added to a different category. The form will not be deleted from the original category. If you MOVE a form, it will be relocated from the original category into the new one.
Save your choice by selecting in the popup window.