Confirm the level of access you will grant QuickSeries
We strive to make it as painless as possible for our clients to distribute their apps. We are also committed to releasing new versions with updates and improvements every 4 to 6 weeks, followed by hotfixes. The more access we have, the more hands-off we can make the experience for you.
QuickSeries will use its access solely to support and maintain your QuickSeries app.
For the complete terms and conditions, refer to the App Developer Account Mandate. Should your organization prefer not to grant QuickSeries access, your organization’s active participation in the maintenance of your app will be required.
Prepare to Enroll
First, speak with your IT department or equivalent. Your organization may already be enrolled with either Apple or Google. If so, contact the person responsible. If not, the organization will need to enroll.
A D-U-N-S® number: They are free in most jurisdictions. Apple uses the D-U-N-S Number to verify the organization’s identity and legal entity status. The organization representative should check if the organization already has a D-U-N-S Number and request one if necessary. Companies and educational institutions must provide a D-U-N-S Number registered to their legal entity. A D-U-N-S Number is optional for government organizations.
Legal entity status: The organization must be a legal entity (e.g., a corporation, limited partnership, limited liability company) to enter into contracts with Apple.
Legal binding authority: The person enrolling the organization in the Apple Developer Program must have the legal authority to bind the organization to legal agreements. This person could be the organization’s owner/founder, executive team member, senior project lead, or have legal authority granted by a senior employee.
A website: The organization’s website must be publicly available, and the domain name must be associated with the organization.
A credit card: Apple charges an annual fee of $99 for their Apple Developer Program. Google charges a $25 one-time registration fee.
Membership fee waiver: Yearly enrollment fees may be waived for nonprofit organizations, accredited educational institutions, and government entities that will distribute only free apps on the App Store and are based in eligible countries (Brazil, China, Japan, United Kingdom, United States). You may request a membership fee waiver during the enrollment process.
Authorization letter on letterhead: As part of the verification process, Apple may request that you submit a letter on the organization’s letterhead with the following:
- State that the contact person has the legal authority to bind the organization to all legal agreements presented on behalf of the Apple Developer Programs.
- State that the organization has the intent to participate in the Apple Developer Programs.
- Include the enrollment ID.
- Provide the representative’s printed name, title, signature, and contact information.
- Delegate authority if needed. Have the delegating party state on the same letter that he or she is delegating authority for the representative to sign current and subsequent versions of Apple Developer Program legal agreements. The delegating party must include his or her name, title, signature, and contact information.